Angela Sackett | Everyday Welcome | Legacy Seven Studios

An Eight-Week Challenge for the Salt-and-Light Life

Do you want to be BRAVE?

Wish you could just have the courage to open your mouth, your heart, your life...

To truly live as salt and light in a world that NEEDS the hope and grace that God offers?

I want to be a girl who is full of audacious boldness and winsome tenderness. I want to live with my eyes open to the possibilities of connecting with others intentionally, to share God's love.

I want to be full of his wisdom and bring flavor and light to those around me. Do you, too?

Join me for an eight-week community challenge to brazen grace-giving, intentional welcome, and audacious hope. Together, we'll learn the why and the how God calls and equips us to give a reason for the hope that we have... how we can overcome our fear, our life-obstacles and doubts, and prepare our hearts, our homes, and our calendar to be ready to speak His truth to those already in our lives. I dare you - together let's become SEASONED.

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