Be a Biscuit – Pursue Christian Community with Joy!

We must pursue Christian community with joy! This episode is a practical, hands-on application of some of the foundational ideas of living the inviting life as a Christian. (For more in-depth, biblical underpinning for this fun episode, see the related episodes below!)


Key ideas:

  • We need each other in the body of Christ.
  • We’re going to have to work for it.


My husband and I are currently three years into being the “new kids” in a very inter-connected community at Camp Bethel, in a southwest Virginian Appalachian Mountain town. While our new neighbors and “family” in ministry have been welcoming, it’s also a very interconnected community, and it often takes work to connect on a deeper level with new friends.

Be welcoming yourself if you want to be welcomed in Christian community.


What I’ve found first hand over many years of being new in various communities, is that it takes work to go beyond surface-level relationships and pursue the kind of transformative Christian community that God calls us to. While it’s important to be a welcoming community, when we are wanting to become involved, we can’t just wait for someone else to do the work: we have to work to grow those relationships ourselves.


What we can not do as we pursue healthy Christian relationships:

  • Stay in a community that is unhealthy.
  • Bully our way in with an arrogant or critical spirit.

We all need, and are called to pursue, Christian community with joy!


We should, as we are pursuing Christian community, look for a healthy church to be a part of, where we can both learn and grow, and serve.

Two things to look for in a healthy church, in particular:

  • Expository biblical teaching
  • Biblically modeled leadership (Paul writes extensively about what church leadership should entail, and we should seek that out in a solid, Bible-teaching church!)

(See some great resources below to go even deeper in finding a healthy church!)

We need to go into our church setting, local study, neighbor group, workplace, and whatever community God allows us to be part of, with a heart that is humble to learn and hungry to serve. We need to ask Him to help us find a place to serve, even as we seek to continually grow as Christ-followers who seek to continually, increasingly, know Him through His word and be transformed by His Spirit.


It can be hard to pursue healthy relationships as a Christian; but God calls us to it, and it is worth the work.

Related episodes:

Grow Mature Lead with Jahlil Jefferson (episode 43)

Be Kingdom Minded (episode 9)

We Need Our People (episode 35)

Dwell Richly – The Word-Rich Inviting Life (episode 39)

Where is the Stapler? An Unexpected Way to Create Welcome (episode 38)

Ask Good Questions – Invite Genuine Community (episode 20)

Refine Your Focus: Pursue Community in Truth and Love (episode 21)

When We Feel Afraid, But God is Bigger with Kim Russo (episode 7)



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