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What Are You Looking At? How We View our Lost Friends and Neighbors
How do we view our lost friends and neighbors as Jesus does? In episode 33, we dug into the idea of identity. We talked about who we are, if we are in Christ, as defined by scripture. We hinted at how that identity might shape how we view others. Today, I’d like to go...
How Do You Identify? (Everyday Welcome Podcast Episode 33)
We know identity is a huge issue in our world today. What determines who you are and how you'll live? Dig in with me to answer the question of, "how do you identify?" Recently I found myself in maybe the most awkward 30 minutes in my adult life. And I know I...
Jesus is the Light of the World (Longing and Light Advent Bible Study)
“In [John] 8:12 Jesus claims, “I am the light of the world,” and then in chapter 9 He opens the eyes of a man born blind. In 11:25, He asserts, “I am the resurrection and the life,” and then He raises Lazarus from the dead.” (source) As we wrap up our Advent study,...
Living Water and Flowing Wine – Longing and Light Advent Bible Study Episode 3
This week we’re headed to John 2, and we get to peek in on Jesus’ first miracle, with the recognition our Jesus is the Living Water and flowing wine. Note the word that this miracle (along others we see Jesus perform!) is called in scripture - a SIGN. This will clue...
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