Just Do Something {Hope and Motivation When You Feel Stuck}
What happens when you get stuck? Do you ever hit a wall? Feel overwhelmed by all the doing required in day-to-day survival? Want to punch something or just go cry, because...
Hope for a Broken World
Sometimes - well most of the time - I write bubbly. I know this. People who meet me for the first time tell me "I knew you'd be a hugger." And I am! Most of the time, I'm filled...
Offering Hospitality to Husbands {Creating Welcome in Marriage}
There's something to be said for inviting others into our homes, but when it comes down to it, we have to be intentional about first offering hospitality to those who are closest to us. When...
Encouraging Young Moms {Practicing Hospitality Mom-to-Mom}
I can't believe the day has come, but I'm realizing now that I'm officially past the "young mom" phase, where I was juggling nursing babies and toddlers on my hips and picking up Cheerios with my...
4 Ways to Practice Intentional Hospitality | Scripture Art Feature
Building genuine relationship is both a gift and a calling, and it doesn't happen by chance. If you're longing to invest in people, to really build in a way that matters, it takes being brave, and...
5 Truths For Meaningful Home Design {Temporary Nesting}
Are you ever frustrated with your home? Sometimes it feels like the place we live is a cozy nest that welcomes us at the end of the day, where we can invite those we care about to sit for a while,...
Four Tips for Purposeful Planning {Temporary Nesting}
For most of us, diving into a new year leaves our heads spinning. We're coming off of the winter holidays (where we long to celebrate and rest, but often find ourselves in a frenzy), and we're...
Grain-Free Lemon Loaf (Low-Carb Quick-Bread)
Are you craving sweet comfort foods, but also trying to be more wise in your food choices in the new year? One of my goals this year is to enjoy the present, while also having a "forever"...
Hygge Hospitality: Creating Cozy
There are times of the year when we're recovering from holiday celebrating (winter, post-Christmas and New Year's come to mind). We're slowing down and regrouping, maybe pulling in and resting from...
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