“A-B-C” Gluten-Free Grilled Sandwich
Lunch is such an easy meal to welcome guests. Having a mama-friend and her kiddo over to play, or a neighbor, is easy when there's a no-fuss meal option. I love salads for easy, light,...
Geometric Pallet Wall Art
I love, love, love the high ceilings and the gorgeous natural light that streams into our family room. I've been beyond happy with the warm grey walls, the golden-toned floors and my orange...
Cassava (Yuca) Fries with Sriracha Drizzle
Yuca fries have to be the strangest addiction I've picked up. But like carrot fries, they've become a favorite side or a snack (and I love to serve unusual snacks that are nourishing and...
Italian-Inspired Gazpacho
You can serve your guests Whole 30 recipes! Last week, my daughter and I welcomed a house full of the sweetest girls to spend the day with us. We took them out on a photo adventure/nature...
Creating a Welcome Guest Basket
A few weeks ago, I spent the afternoon with a good friend, painting her newly converted guest room and preparing it for a busy summer of visitors. We had such a sweet time, listening to...
Creating a Welcoming Guest Room {Facebook Live}
This week I ventured into Facebook Live, and I think I might be hooked! I'm always wishing I could actually invite you here, to tuck up our feet on the couch, to sip something warm, to nibble...
Office Reveal {DIY Home Office with Painted Plywood Sub-floor}
When we first bought our home, it came with an unfinished "walk-out attic", and we knew immediately that we wanted to spruce it up to make use of the space, so I pegged it for my DIY home office. ...
Dark Chocolate Cherry Protein Smoothie
I'm forever trying to "up" the value of our breakfasts, and while I tend to crave a savory, meaty meal first thing, sometimes we create a sweet treat. There's something that makes the morning...
Curry Lime Carrot Fries
Vegetable "fries" are an easy snack to share with friends and family, and using ingredients like carrots to make these curry lime carrot fries can elevate both the flavors and the nutritional value....
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