Episode 2 – 3 Things to do Right Now to Grow in the Inviting Life
Whether you think of yourself as a "host" or not, God has called each of us to be hospital, for the sake of the Gospel. Here are three things you can do today to begin, or to grow, in living the...
A Biblical Case for Hospitality – 1 John 1 – Season 1 Episode 1
In 1 John, the apostle urges his readers to know and believe the truth of who God is and he tells his readers that his relationship with the living God, through Christ, shapes his relationship with...
Everyday Welcome Podcast Season 1 Trailer
Life sometimes feels overwhelming, and survival mode can easily become our mode of operating. We hunker down and do all the "needed things," running after all the things we think we're called to...
Grain-Free Savory Dutch Baby with Salmon and Dill
Years and years ago I created a grain-free Dutch Baby recipe for Allrecipes that was topped with a warm berry compote. Ever since then I've been a little obsessed with any dish made in the iron...
Christian Woman: Why You Should (or Should Not) Choose a Word for the Year
"Stop striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted on the earth.” - Psalm 46:10, NASB (emphasis mine) A couple weeks ago, my husband quoted this passage in...
Fed to Flourish: A Farm-to-Table Christian Women’s Retreat
Earlier this year, I reached out to my friend Gi with the idea of hosting a farm-to-table Christian women's retreat at hers and her husband's intimate farm in New Jersey. The end result was so...
The Best Tool for Scripture Memory and Tips for Memorizing the Bible
Recently, I learned that a friend is copying out the Bible with her kids. The whole thing. Into notebooks so they'll always have it, and in their handwriting. I was blown away at the passion and...
Peaches and Chai Gluten-Free Oatmeal Bowl (Dairy Free Creamy Chai Oatmeal)
Mmmmmm... warm, chewy, spicy, sweet peaches and chai gluten-free oatmeal... this is the sweetest kind of breakfast (which is actually not overly sweet). And it just seems to work for a summer...
How to Stage Your House to Sell {and Why You Should Pretend You Are}
Last summer, our family listed our house for sale. We'd been feeling for some time (through lots of intentional prayer!) that we needed to downsize and prepare for the next place the Lord wanted us...
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