Everyday Welcome: Cozy Holidays

There was that one year, when the whole family came, and the table was full of good food and the halls were lined with lights and stacks of gifts… but my grandma was so overwhelmed, that she cried.

Flash forward a few decades, and two of my own kiddos had flown the nest and wouldn’t be home for the holidays, and I wanted to boycott, because it all seemed overwhelming. It was only by Grace (and some strong and encouraging words from my bold, tenderhearted daughter), that I held it together, calmed down, and celebrated not the magic of some illusive, department-store-ad version of the holidays, but a genuine, heart-felt, stress-less time with my precious family.

Are you longing for that, too?


Everyday Welcome | Cozy Holidays is a gathering guide, a recipe book, a crafter’s idea gallery, and a little home decor inspiration.

Through all that, I’ve woven inspirational thoughts to draw you closer to your creative Maker, and help you invite others to do the same.  It’s my prayer that it will become a resource you go to over and over, and that you’ll make it your very own.


It is possible to celebrate with beautiful things, while getting to the heart of what really matters!

At the holidays (and really, all year!), what matters is simmering in the love of our incredible God and letting that drift over the ones we love. With a collection of Paleo-friendly, classic yet innovative recipes, you’ll have some go-to meals  you can serve for family dinner or drop-in guests.  Appetizers, main dishes (like pan-roasted herbed chicken and vegetables), drinks and even breakfast recipes are yours to make and keep. DIY projects, table decor inspiration, and recipes are woven together with devotional thoughts and journaling pages, along with inspiration artwork you can print and frame!


Cozy Holidays has:

  • recipes for every time of day (all allergy-friendly and easily adaptable)
  • devotional writings
  • journaling pages
  • printable quotes and inspiration
  • DIY craft projects
  • table settings and ideas for making your own with what you have

I want you to have the tools to make delicious food, craft it up if you like, and set a lovely table. But more than that, I’ve written words I hope will inspire you to truly settle in to a deeper, quieter, richer holiday season.

Download your copy today!



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