This resource was first created for Refined Journey, but I wanted to share it for anyone looking to nourish your body and soul.  These are some favorite sources for encouragement in my walk with Jesus as well as my journey toward taking better care of the body God created, and I need to continually grow in stewarding well.


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It Starts With Food, Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig

NOT written from a believer’s perspective, so proceed with caution.  However, The Whole 30 and corresponding materials have been very helpful to me personally as a “reset,” helping identify some foods that work well for my body and also discover “trigger” foods that cause cravings or unwelcome physical symptoms.  It’s also the book that started me on the road to identifying what the Bible has to say about idolatry as it relates to food in my life.

Look and Live, Matt Papa

I go back to this book time and time again because of the urgency and awe with which Matt approaches worship and the knowledge of God.  If we need an antidote for our struggles with the natural, material world, it is to see God for Who He is, and to let everything else fall into place behind.


Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds, Jen Wilkin

This book is so PRACTICAL and gives great insight into the simplicity and necessity of studying the Bible, not just from or for an emotional experience.  

No Other Gods, Kelly Minter

Subtitled, “The Unrivaled Pursuit of Christ,” Kelly’s book helps to “learn to identify the functional gods you may be unknowingly serving and the lies they tell.”  

Habits of Grace, David Mathis

David’s writing has been informative and challenging to me and as a woman who struggles with self-discipline, his writing on faith-practices has been so good for me!

Full, Asheritah Ciuciu

I’m still working my way through this one, but some of the principles about dysfunctional relationships with food are gut-level (pun intended) helpful!



I have a few books I love for recipes, but I also refer often to blogs.  My favorite search term is “paleo,” not because I follow all the philosophies of the diet, but because it most often leads to clean, non-processed recipes that focus on nourishing proteins, fresh vegetables, and healthy fats.




Affordable Paleo Cooking With Your Instant Pot , Jennifer Robins – One of the few cookbooks I couldn’t put away for weeks, because I kept repeating recipes that were simple to create, but delicious.

The Keto Paleo Kitchen, Vivica Menegaz – Recipes are a bit more sophisticated but doable and beautiful!

Against All Grain, Danielle Walker – The first of her cookbooks I purchased, and the first time making grain-free, dairy-free food seemed accessible to me.

Against All Grain: Meals Made Simple, Danielle Walker – This recipe book also combines meals into menus and provides shopping lists and ways to combine leftovers.



40 Aprons Cheryl’s beautiful blog is fun to look at and her recipes are clean and simple.  Every one I’ve tried is delicious, and some have inspired recipe adaptations for Everyday Welcome and Refined Journey!

Real Simple Good A husband-wife team sharing Whole 30 and Paleo recipes that are uncomplicated and full of flavor.

What Great Grandma Ate Jean, a nutritional therapist, shares sometimes-nostalgic, always fresh and tempting, clean, grain-free and Paleo recipes.

Elana’s Pantry has been a favorite blog for core recipes like grain-free breads for many years.  She reminds me of the Nigella of the clean eating world. 😉

Against All Grain: Danielle Walker battled life-threatening illness and found great relief through food.  Her blog is a go-to, along with her books (above).

The Freckled Italian is a blog I just discovered with beautiful grain-free, dairy-free and keto recipes that are very similar to what I cook.  Can’t wait to explore this one more!

Paleo Running Mama is a pretty blog with pretty recipes that are healthy and delicious.

Food Faith Fitness is written by a Christian recipe writer with a variety of fun and healthy recipes.


Inspiring {well-informed, encouraging, and ever-growing} welcome,



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