Everyday Welcome Podcast
Hey there! Thank you for listening to Everyday Welcome. I’m Angela Sackett, and I’m here to encourage you to open your heart and mind and open the Word, to know Christ more deeply, and open your life to invite others into fellowship with Him.
Each episode you’ll hear Bible-based encouragement and stories from the tables of women just like you, who are living the inviting life. Let’s swap recipes, feast on the Word, lean into Jesus and walk out His calling, as we seek to awaken the palate and nourish the soul. Our Father has set the table and He’s inviting us to live a life of everyday welcome.
Click on an episode to see show notes and resources!
Jesus is the Light of the World (Longing and Light Advent Bible Study)
“In [John] 8:12 Jesus claims, “I am the light of the world,” and then in chapter 9 He opens the eyes of a man born blind. In 11:25, He asserts, “I am the resurrection and the life,” and then He raises Lazarus from the dead.” (source) As we wrap up our Advent study,...
Living Water and Flowing Wine – Longing and Light Advent Bible Study Episode 3
This week we’re headed to John 2, and we get to peek in on Jesus’ first miracle, with the recognition our Jesus is the Living Water and flowing wine. Note the word that this miracle (along others we see Jesus perform!) is called in scripture - a SIGN. This will clue...
The Bread of Life – Longing and Light Advent Bible Study Episode 2
Jesus is the Bread of Life. This week as we dig into Advent, we recognize our longing for all to be made right in this world and we celebrate that God is not just our provider; IN CHRIST, HE IS OUR PROVISION. As we study at Christmas and all year, may we be reminded...
A New Beginning – Longing and Light Advent Bible Study Episode 1
We live in a world longing for light and hope. Much like people of all time, we recognize that all is not as it should be here in the Shadowlands, and we long for a new beginning. The sure hope we hold is that God has already brought that new beginning in Christ......
Giving Thanks Through the Word – Episode 28
This episode, let's just simmer in the Word and GIVE THANKS! When the holidays come, it's easy to get overwhelmed or discouraged, even with all of the joyful celebration. Maybe you're alone this holiday season. Maybe you're traveling and in the home of others. Maybe...
How to Make Your Holidays Truly Sweet – Part 3
Do the holidays cause you some anxiety? I've been on a quest to get and share ideas for making holidays sweet and stress-free as a Christian family. No matter what your family dynamic or season of life, here are a few more tips for making your holiday truly sweet. AND...
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