Everyday Welcome Podcast
Hey there! Thank you for listening to Everyday Welcome. I’m Angela Sackett, and I’m here to encourage you to open your heart and mind and open the Word, to know Christ more deeply, and open your life to invite others into fellowship with Him.
Each episode you’ll hear Bible-based encouragement and stories from the tables of women just like you, who are living the inviting life. Let’s swap recipes, feast on the Word, lean into Jesus and walk out His calling, as we seek to awaken the palate and nourish the soul. Our Father has set the table and He’s inviting us to live a life of everyday welcome.
Click on an episode to see show notes and resources!
Ask Good Questions – Invite Genuine Community
In this episode, learn ways to ask questions to invite genuine community. When our kids were younger and we’d visit my parents, my dad would often pose a question early in the day. “At dinner tonight,” he’d say, “I’m going to ask you this. Be ready to share your...
The Gift of Desperation (and Community) with Kera Freeman
Spoiler alert: Kera was married to the same man twice. And that’s not the half of the story God is writing in her life! In this episode, Kera shares the story of how God gave her the gifts of desperation and community, to call her to Himself. It’s one that...
Live Like A No Regrets Woman with Rhonda Stoppe
In this episode, I get to interview Rhonda Stoppe, the No Regrets Woman. Rhonda brings wisdom with a punch (and a lot of love!) for younger and older women, single and married, moms and spiritual sisters, as she models for us how to live the #invitinglife as a "no...
The Power of Pause – Everyday Welcome Podcast Episode 17
For Christian women, learning the power of pause can be a powerful tool to grow in Christ and the inviting life. This episode was recorded in the fall, when many are going back to school or refreshing our schedules after summer. Maybe you’re in that...
Home As “Church” – It’s Not What You Think!
This episode of “Home as Church” is part of a series on creating welcome at home, where we’re exploring ways we can use our homes to “awaken the palate and nourish the soul.” If you haven’t listened to Episode 14 - I encourage you to head there first! We set...
Addiction, Recovery, and Biblical Counseling
This episode is a sweet story of God's redemption through marriage, addiction, a blended family and the fellowship of other women. Carolann Sheppard is a biblical counselor, certified through Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Be sure to visit Carolann's...
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