Everyday Welcome Podcast
Hey there! Thank you for listening to Everyday Welcome. I’m Angela Sackett, and I’m here to encourage you to open your heart and mind and open the Word, to know Christ more deeply, and open your life to invite others into fellowship with Him.
Each episode you’ll hear Bible-based encouragement and stories from the tables of women just like you, who are living the inviting life. Let’s swap recipes, feast on the Word, lean into Jesus and walk out His calling, as we seek to awaken the palate and nourish the soul. Our Father has set the table and He’s inviting us to live a life of everyday welcome.
Click on an episode to see show notes and resources!
Episode 8 – What Does Modesty Have to Do With Hospitality?
A few weeks ago my dear friend and “little sister” in Jesus suggested we talk about modesty on the podcast. At first, I thought, “is that the right place to talk about it? What does modesty have to do with hospitality, with living the “inviting life?” Well, then I...
Episode 7 – When We Feel Afraid But God is Bigger
In this episode, my dear friend Kim Russo shares her personal testimony of walking with Christ. From a place of complete loss and hopelessness, God brought her to Himself in Jesus, to living a life that wholeheartedly embraces others in order to introduce them to her...
Episode 6 – Do I Have to Feed People? Recipes for Hospitality
But… do I have to feed people? Just in case, I’m sharing some recipes and ideas for hospitality! When I say, “hospitality,” I know that’s the question that overwhelms some of us. We have lots of hangups around hosting, and the idea of having to cook or prepare an...
Episode 5 – Be Interruptible
Recently, we added another member to the Sackett family. Her name is Biscuit, and she's the cutest little spitfire of a tiny black Goldendoodle with a little white patch on her chest. She joins Olive, our first doodle, who just turned five this month. And can I...
Episode 4 – Hard Hospitality – Responding to “Pride” with Humility
Sometimes, hospitality - living the inviting life - just seems hard. I reached out and asked listeners to share their questions about hospitality and studying the Bible. Grace sent me the question of how to host well when someone personally makes you uncomfortable. ...
Episode 3 – Wren Robbins – Living With the In-Laws and Following God’s Nudge
I called today's episode "everyday welcome - living with the in-laws and following God's nudge..." and maybe we should've interviewed Wren's husband Jim to ask about the in-laws part. The two of them and their sweet son have been staying with Wren's parents while...
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