Everyday Welcome Podcast
Hey there! Thank you for listening to Everyday Welcome. I’m Angela Sackett, and I’m here to encourage you to open your heart and mind and open the Word, to know Christ more deeply, and open your life to invite others into fellowship with Him.
Each episode you’ll hear Bible-based encouragement and stories from the tables of women just like you, who are living the inviting life. Let’s swap recipes, feast on the Word, lean into Jesus and walk out His calling, as we seek to awaken the palate and nourish the soul. Our Father has set the table and He’s inviting us to live a life of everyday welcome.
Click on an episode to see show notes and resources!
Episode 2 – 3 Things to do Right Now to Grow in the Inviting Life
Whether you think of yourself as a "host" or not, God has called each of us to be hospital, for the sake of the Gospel. Here are three things you can do today to begin, or to grow, in living the #invitinglife! Pray First things first, ask God if, when, and...
A Biblical Case for Hospitality – 1 John 1 – Season 1 Episode 1
In 1 John, the apostle urges his readers to know and believe the truth of who God is and he tells his readers that his relationship with the living God, through Christ, shapes his relationship with them. In fact, sharing those truths with the church brings him great...
Everyday Welcome Podcast Season 1 Trailer
Life sometimes feels overwhelming, and survival mode can easily become our mode of operating. We hunker down and do all the "needed things," running after all the things we think we're called to do. When it comes down to it, a vibrant life in Christ really...
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