Work With Me

Thank you so much for your interest in working together!  Are you looking for a friend to walk alongside you as you nourish your soul and body toward a healthier place?  Do you need a speaker for your women’s event?  Are you looking for soulful, honest photography to capture the heart of your story?  Maybe you would like to partner your product with a review/creative post for a vibrant targeted audience.  Here are some of my passions and skill-set; please email me at to discuss your project.  When it’s a good fit for us both, I am honored to have sponsored content and speaking opportunities.


My first love is speaking and teaching; I used to pretend as a little girl that I was on a stage.  That played out in my choosing communication, theatre, and Bible as my fields of study in college.  But it’s really walking out a life following Jesus in whatever turns He’s taken me on, that has shaped who I am and the message I share.  I love to speak from my own journey, but I also hope to meet your audience right where you are.  Learn more and contact me here.


When I was younger, I pursued women who were a few steps ahead of me in their lives and their faith-journey.  I was hungry to know what they had learned along the way so I could apply their wisdom in my own life.  Once I read Titus 2, I realized this is a God-given desire.  We should each seek to learn from others who are wise and faithful, and to teach anyone along the way what God has taught us.  In order to do this we must find truth in the one infallible source we’ve been given – the Bible.  I love walking alongside other women for a short season, helping you discern a place you may be stuck, a place God may be challenging you to lean more into Him, or a place He’s leading you to feast on His truth.  Reach out if you’d like to connect for a “nourish call,” where I’ll serve as your sounding board, pray with you, and help you discern your next steps.


I’ve been a professional photographer for over 15 years, beginning in portraits and weddings and continuing with brand/headshot photography and food.  My greatest joy in photographing people is capturing the heart and soul of my subjects.

The most wonderful portrait photography compliment I ever received was from a new friend who said, “When I look at the people you photograph, I feel like I know them!”

When it comes to photographing food, I have one goal for the images I capture: to make you hungry.  🙂  (Well, I’d also like to make you want to cook or bake whatever treat it is you’re looking at…)

Whether it’s helping you capture your personal or product brand-story with headshots and product photos, helping you define who you are and then craft a beautiful set of images for your blog/website/branding material to help your dream client find you, I’m in.  If it’s creating, styling and shooting images for your cookbook, food product or website to make your want your food, that’s so much fun for me.  I also photograph my own recipes and others’ for several national publications.

A few past and recent projects:

  • A food and hospitality column in a national print magazine where I write and create photos for several recipes per issue including tips for home and table
  • A multi-page travel spread in a national print magazine for several US cities providing content and photography for readers
  • Brand development and photography for a startup meal delivery service
  • Headshot and branding photography for an author, speaker, and podcaster that helped to shape the direction of her web presence

I’d love to set up a custom project just for you.

Sponsored Content

I genuinely love my readers and hope to serve my audience with content that will enrich their lives.  I will only recommend products I personally would use and love.  Whether it’s creating original content using your product or sharing how your product has helped me to grow personally, it’s a fun creative challenge to help readers connect with brands and products that will make their lives better.  My areas of focus are:

  • Love God – Biblically-based spiritual enrichment and devotional helps for Christian women.
    • Bible studies (online and print, original and published work from others)
    • Blog and social media content related to biblical womanhood and Christian living, with an emphasis on practical application of what the Bible teaches for everyday life
    • Referring trusted resources to readers (I am a conservative Christian learning and speaking from a reformed perspective; contact me directly for a statement of faith)
  • Love People
    • Resources (online and print, original and published work) for marriage, parenting, church-life, evangelism and gospel-driven hospitality, interpersonal relationships
    • Blog and social media content to help women connect with family, church family, and neighbors and love as Jesus calls us to love
    • Referring trusted books and resources to readers
  • Celebrate Home
    • Resources and content (recipe development, hosting tips, home and DIY) for homemaking and biblical hospitality
    • Biblically-grounded healthy living sponsored content and speaking (I often share Whole30 and whole-food related tips and recipes, along with original content both online and print)
    • Selected content and products for home decor and food products with an emphasis on a Christ-centered view of our “forever home”

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