Seven Easy Ways to Meal Plan with Free Printable
We have to eat. We have to feed the people we love (pretty much). Feeding ourselves and the people we love can be hard though, so it's helpful to have a plan of attack. Here are some easy ways to...
Family Photo Flash Cards {#startathome}
A while ago, I found the most adorable idea on the Instagram account of someone I follow. I loved it so much and while I don't still have littles at home, I know you just might! And if we don't,...
Loving My Husband While Waiting on God
My friend Val has been an encouragement to me over almost two decades of friendship. Watching her trust God through hard seasons, humbly thank Him during times of obvious blessing, and lean into Him...
Why You Need My Dad’s Life-Changing Morning Routine
Not long ago when my parents visited, I asked my dad to share his heart in a Facebook Live interview. I wanted other people to hear a little of the story of a man I admire, who humbly admits...
White Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowls with Bacon and Cranberries
This post contains affiliate links. If you use them to purchase, your cost remains the same but I receive a small commission to help with blog expenses. It's really never a bad time for sweet...
25 (Last Minute) Gift Ideas for the Essential Oils Lover
This week, our kiddos are putting together their last -minute Christmas wish lists and shopping for gifts themselves, and I was asked to make a list of wishes. 😉 I realized lots of the...
Pumpkin Spice Grain-Free Granola (Paleo Pumpkin Granola!)
This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase from these links, your price remains the same, but I may receive a small commission to help with running Everyday Welcome. Looking for a...
Dusters and Dreams {Christian Historical Fiction Book Review}
This post is an honest review of Dusters and Dreams, by Hannah Buckland. I received a complementary copy of the book from the publisher, and all opinions are my own. This post contains...
Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie {Paleo Shepherd’s Pie}
Once upon a time, a young mama made an audition video for a network reality cooking show. This mama had little ones at her feet and needed more sleep but was always long on ideas and she thought it...
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