Intuitive Eating, Portion Control, and Building a Nourishing Plate
If you're trying to eat healthy, you'll hear much about intuitive eating and portion control. Both of these are great concepts, and at their best, can be wonderful tools in our health journey. But...
Reading the Bible as Literature {Bible Study Helps}
Stephanie is a dear friend, whose insightful approach to the Bible challenges me and encourages me. Her writing is almost poetic, too, so any chance I get to read what she shares is a little...
{Christian Hospitality} Why We Have to Live an Inviting Life
My friend Sue is a host of hosts. I think social distancing must've been her husband's worst nightmare; I've never seen a day go by that she's not sharing about inviting someone, inviting us all to...
Blessings During a Pandemic – Making the Most of Being at Home
They say 2020 will be remembered in history as the year of social distancing. For some, we'll remember phrases like "shelter in place," "self-quarantine," and the hashtag #stayathome, possibly even...
Pantry Ingredient Salmon Burgers {Paleo, Whole30 }
Pantry ingredient salmon burgers are a great way to make a protein-packed, fresh-tasting meal that's Whole30 friendly, gluten-free, and Paleo. (Remind me to share some time why I use the term...
How to Build a Daily Bible Reading Habit
A year or so ago, a friend connected me online with Tabitha from Everyday Faith Study. I was so moved by her unwavering conviction that what women most need, above anything they they think they...
Easy Meal-Prep Greek Burger Bowls
What's your favorite way to make dinner easier? I love a meal that can be at least partly made in advance. These easy meal-prep Greek burger bowls were part of a collection of recipes I created...
How to Let Go of Your Fears and Host a Bible Study
One of my personal greatest blessings is the time I've spent in my home or others' homes, studying the Bible together with other women. I do love the opportunity to attend ministry gatherings and...
Grain-Free Keto Chocolate Cake
Not much can top a pretty layer cake, frosted and displayed on a pedestal. But a grain-free keto chocolate cake might be the love language of many a heart at Valentine's day. 😉 It's...
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