Pantry Ingredient Salmon Burgers {Paleo, Whole30 }

Pantry ingredient salmon burgers are a great way to make a protein-packed, fresh-tasting meal that’s Whole30 friendly, gluten-free, and Paleo.  (Remind me to share some time why I use the term “Paleo” as a great guideline for me in choosing healthy foods…)  These salmon burgers are perfect for a fast weekday lunch and they keep well for a couple days in the fridge to be warmed up over salad greens, too!

When I was almost sixteen, I moved to live with my dad and stepmom in Florida.  They’d not parented a teenager before and my mom poured everything she had into equipping me the best way she new, teaching me skills she valued as a Jesus-girl, taking me to get my “colors done” and on a proper bra fitting… I woke to her praying over me and I enjoyed learning some of her favorite recipes.  UNTIL.  That fateful night she made us salmon burgers for dinner, I know the poor woman had no idea the reaction she’d receive.  I mercifully don’t remember all the details, but I do remember that I was horrified to be served these strange patties “with suction cups” (more on that in a minute).  Seafood wasn’t a food we ate much in my house growing up, aside from the shrimp cocktail I remember Grandma Rose making at Christmas Eve gatherings, and the time Grandpa Bates took me crappie fishing.  I was utterly eeped out over salmon patties, and I made my thoughts KNOWN.


Flash forward a few years, and I’ve discovered and fully embraced the health benefits and FLAVOR of seafood.  Fresh salmon, baked with lemon and grainy mustard.  Scallops, big and buttery from the coast of New Jersey, perfectly seared and drizzled with browned butter and citrus.  A quick coconut-poached cod with lime and ginger.  These make my foodie heart sing, and I’m wanting to stretch much more in the area of cooking fresh seafood!  However… not everyone, in every season, can get their hands on fresh seafood, and for some the idea of cooking it is a bit scary.  Bring on the canned salmon.  Yes!  Aside from being shelf-stable and cost-effective, canned salmon is rich in nutrients!

These pantry-ingredient salmon burgers are full of:

  • protein (up to and over 40% of the US RDA!)
  • vitamin D (so good for our bones, our teeth, our mood and our immune system)
  • B vitamins & niacin
  • selenium (antioxidant!) and phosphorous (also bones & teeth)

…and those little “suction cups” I’d noticed all those years ago?  They’re actually delicious, crunchy bones that easily get mixed in and are rich in calcium!  (I know, I’m a weirdo, but trust me…)



One important note: It’s a good idea to look for wild caught, as opposed to farmed salmon, and I’ve found great prices with our Thrive Market membership.  (Use that affiliate link to get 25% off your first order; if you love it and join I get a small credit, too!)  Farmed salmon can have high levels of mercury – not good.

If you’ve read much here, you know I love Whole30 and the principles I’ve learned from it.  So much to discover about nourishing our bodies, about making wise choices and being free to enjoy the good things God gave us, with wisdom… and these fit the bill – plus they’re made from things you probably already have (and if you don’t, they’re great to stock up in your pantry for a super-fast and healthful meal).

These Paleo, Whole30 friendly salmon burgers are delicious for breakfast with eggs, topping a heap of lightly dressed arugula, or between sliced, roasted sweet potatoes.  And the sauce?  Try not to lick your fingers.  Or maybe don’t try.  I won’t judge.

To make the sweet potatoes, thinly slice them and drizzle with olive oil; sprinkle with seasoning of your choice and make on a lined baking sheet at 375 degrees farenheit, about 10-15 minutes per side depending on thickness.

I’m a huge lover of fresh herbs, and I fight my inner-plant-killer tendencies fostering little pots of herbs by my kitchen windows.  But I also recently discovered tube of fresh herbs in our produce department with only sunflower oil, sea salt, and lemon – something great to keep on hand to add fresh flavor with the lemon in these burgers!



Even a teenage story of angst around the kitchen table can transform to a new memory.  😉  My youngest loves these Whole30 friendly salmon burgers, and we fight over the sauce.  Looking for another fast, family-friendly and healthy recipe?  Try these:


Paleo Pantry-Friendly Salmon Burgers
Author: Angela Sackett | Everyday Welcome
  • 2 24- ounce cans salmon
  • ¼ cup mayo
  • 1 egg or substitute
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup almond flour
  • 1 teaspoon each sea salt & pepper
  • ½ teaspoon smoked paprika optional
  • 1 teaspoon grainy mustard optional
  • ½-1 teaspoon horseradish
  • ½ cup mayo
  • ½-1 teaspoon horseradish
  • 1 teaspoon fresh dill
  • Zest of one lemon
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
To serve:
  • lemon zest
  • Sliced lemon
  • Fresh dill and/or chives and/or green onion
  • Thinly sliced red onion
  • Roasted sliced sweet potato cauliflower rice, or salad greens
  1. Stir together sauce ingredients; set aside.
  2. Gently stir together burger ingredients, scoop into patties ina medium-hot skillet with avocado oil.
  3. Cook 3-5 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and cooked through.
Recipe Notes

Serve over grilled red pepper, salad greens, or with cauliflower rice.

Do you have a favorite fast, healthy pantry-friendly dish?  I’d love to know about it in the comments!  Did you make these pantry ingredient Whole30 salmon burgers?  I want your feedback!!  🙂  OR, do you need ideas for how to make nourishing meals with what’s in your kitchen?  How to stock it well to feed yourself and others quick and healthy meals?  Leave that in the comments or contact me and let’s chat!


Inspiring (fresh, bright, even-from-the-pantry) welcome,


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