Not long ago when my parents visited, I asked my dad to share his heart in a Facebook Live interview. I wanted other people to hear a little of the story of a man I admire, who humbly admits mistakes and faults and yet presses forward to honor Christ with his life. In particular, I wanted him to share about his life-changing morning routine (one that’s certainly changed my life), and our video got cut off!! So I asked if he would share with you how his commitment to morning Bible reading and daily prayer have impacted him, and why it’s so important to him.
Here’s why you need my dad’s life-changing morning routine (spoiler alert): it has changed him, and it has transformed his family. My dad might not even realize that, but by his commitment to daily routine, spiritual discipline, and intentional prayer, he’s modeled for his adult kids and grandkids:
- consistency
- self-discipline
- the power of prayer
- the importance of studying Truth
- love with actions
In his words:

I’m just an ordinary 66 year old guy, one that has been greatly blessed & highly favored by the Lord in my life. Two distinctly different “encounters” a number of years ago forever altered my daily morning routines: how I view my time in God’s Word, and in His presence in prayer (speaking…and listening to Him). May I share them with you?
You may recognize the name Bill McCartney. In 1990, as head coach of the Colorado Buffaloes football them, Bill led the Buffs to their only national championship in school history. It was later the same year that Bill founded what would become the worldwide Christian men’s organization, Promise Keepers.
What many don’t know is that Promise Keepers resulted directly from Bill’s own marital infidelity, and subsequent restoration.
Bill came to Grace Covenant Church in Cornelius, NC (where my wife Connie and I have served in various lay capacities over the past 23 years); sharing first with our leadership team, then with our congregation about his affair, his subsequent repentance, and his wife Lynda’s mercy & grace in taking him back. In the process, Bill talked about the revival of his personal faith walk, including a great “aha” moment when the Lord illuminated one of the most familiar of all Scripture verses for him, in a totally new light.
Matthew 4:4 says, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
For the first time, the Lord had clearly revealed to Bill that His living Word, the Bible, had been only an afterthought for Bill; certainly not “spiritual sustenance” that his soul and spirit required every day, for his very survival. He went on to explain how God had miraculously restored his marriage, and that he had not begun a single day since without first consuming God’s Word before eating his first bite of physical food.
Bill’s sobering words, and Holy Spirit conviction within me, hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks.
Sure, I was and since age 7 had always been a Christ-follower; went to church, shared the gospel with others, prayed and read my Bible….when I had time and the inclination to do so. My “McCartney encounter” was 15 years ago. Since that day (by God’s grace!), I have read through the Bible every year. I’ve read it in various translations, including the American Standard Version, NIV, New King James Version, New Living Translation, and others. In the process, I’ve missed very few mornings in the Word.
From Angela: When my dad mentioned the personal inconsistency in Bill’s spiritual life, I was reminded of a recent podcast episode I listened to from David Platt on prayer and fasting. You might find it encouraging as well!
Before I dive into each day’s busyness, can I make time to sit in the quiet of the morning and let Him speak to me through His “love letter” to us…to me?
The 2nd encounter that forever changed my mornings was much less dramatic in its setting, but equally impactful in my heart.
A smiling friend walked up to me at church and began sharing about the miraculous physical healing he had received from the Lord just that week, then thanked me for faithfully praying for him since he had told me about his life-threatening illness several months before.

I was stunned…and instantly heart-broken. I remembered him asking me to pray for/with him. And I had; two or three times. Then I had promptly forgotten about it, it and hadn’t prayed for him since. Yet God had graciously healed him as the result of his, and countless others’, faithful prayers; certainly not because of mine.
That very day, I came home and typed out a prayer list.
Over the years, I’ve added & subtracted from it as circumstances change- some are healed, some are not (not yet, anyway); some have gone home to be with the Lord (PTL for those!). I’ve just let the Holy Spirit tell me when someone needs to be added to, or removed from (that one’s really hard at times!), my list. Today the list is three pages, single-spaced, 8 point Calibri font. Some mornings my 66 year old eyes have to squint to read the names; kids/grandkids, family, friends, pastoral staff, ministry co-workers, those with health issues, etc. As I read each name and visualize each face, I ask the Lord for His blessings on that person’s life that day. I also ask Him to direct my eyes, head, heart and hands today- for Him.
From Angela: I should mention as a side-note from a girl who can tend to dive into the cozy-spot-study-routine and neglect to take care of my body… my “officially a senior citizen” dad also committed to – and did it – walk 1,000 miles last year. That’s part of an life-changing morning routine!

I don’t have much materially to show for my 6+ decades on earth. But I am such a richly blessed man to have found a meaningful morning practice that allows me to encounter Him in both new & familiar ways, every day! IT COSTS ME NOTHING…AND IT COSTS ME EVERYTHING! May I encourage you to prayerfully consider how He would speak specifically to your heart in His unique way, for you and for the sake of His Kingdom? Blessings!!

–Rob Albright
From Angela: My summary? My dad’s life-changing morning routine is simple:
- Read through the Bible
- Pray on purpose, with a list
- do it every day!
My dad inspires me because everyday, He welcomes God to lead him and to lead his family, his church, his community, and the world – and he yields himself to be part of that process.
Inspiring (generation-changing) welcome,
P.S. – Looking for more encouragement in your faith? Here are posts you might enjoy:
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