A while ago, I found the most adorable idea on the Instagram account of someone I follow. I loved it so much and while I don’t still have littles at home, I know you just might! And if we don’t, there’s a good chance we have friends with little ones or (cough) might be on the journey toward grandbabies soon, so I knew I wanted to share this idea for the perfect toddler gift – family photo flash cards. Right away I messaged and asked Jessica if she would share! So today’s idea comes to you from Jessica, my Instagram buddy. 🙂

So! Over the holidays I needed to come up with some stocking stuffers and gifts for my one year old (who has everything and doesn’t need more toys for the heck of it!) This idea came to me one night when my husband and I had some time alone and I wanted to do something “fun and different” with him instead of just sitting on the couch together playing on our phones! I’m always thinking, how can we connect more?!
I whipped out my phone and sat him in front of a plain white wall and told him to make a funny face. We spent the night taking pics of each other making faces and pointing to different body parts. You know your husband loves you when he sits with you doing something like this. 🤣. We had the pics printed and stuffed Hazels stocking with them for a little Christmas morning surprise!
She loves them and I love that they’re educational and personalized!
Here’s a quick run down of how to make them!
Family Photo Flash Cards :
- Gather whoever you want in the pics!
- Sit in front of a plain backdrop (a bare wall or door or even a fun pattern – just make sure the person pictured stands out!)
- Snap some pictures, making different facial expressions (try ideas like happy, silly, mad, sad, etc.) as well as pictures focusing on different body parts (nose, ears, tongue, knee).
- Have your pictures printed either at home or through your favorite printing company.
- Once you have them printed, laminate them. (We own a small laminator we bought on amazon for super cheap!)
- *Note from Angela: I’ve used this one for years and it’s still going strong, after home-educating five kiddos and running two businesses from home!
- Cut out pics and round out the corners for a smoother feel for the little bitty babes.

Jessica’s little side tips!
- Try to get other friends and family to contribute at least a picture of them alone smiling so they can practice facial recognition of family members!
- If you have a label maker or great hand writing, write the label on the picture or on the back (for example: eyes, nose, happy, sad)
- Once you have them all together, wrap a little bow around them and call it a day! Way cuter than learning what a nose is from a random flash card person 🤣.
- These flash cards also make a perfect friend’s birthday toddler gift – family photo flash cards are a fun project to make with your own kiddos!

Jessica Walter has two sweet babes, Knox, 3 and Hazel, 1. She and her family are currently located in Palm beach, Florida and searching for their forever home in Asheville, North Carolina. She loves sharing openly on Instagram about her journey in motherhood and now her new HUGE move with two young babies! It’s a wild ride but she loves documenting the chaos along the way!
From Angela:
Want other ideas perfect for moms of little ones?
- Join the free five-day mini Bible study with your kids, So Very Loved. Each day for five days, get an email with guided ideas for digging into Ephesians with your kiddos.
- Here are some great ideas for connecting across different generations or seasons of life, inspired by special time with my daughter and my mom.
- Stephanie shared great ideas for blessing young moms – use these to encourage someone you know – or maybe ask for help for yourself!!
Inspiring (across-the-generations) welcome,
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