Keto Matcha Mint Bars {Chocolate Mint Fat Bombs}

These keto matcha mint bars are creamy and refreshing.  Store them in the freezer for an ice cream like texture or in the fridge to indulge right away.  But before you make them, may I tell you an embarrassing mama-story from my early years with toddlers?

If you’re a mom, maybe you can relate.

I think I had three kiddos under three, one nursing, and lived a good bit out on the edge of town.  I wouldn’t trade my opportunity to stay home with my kiddos for the world, but sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming when you have toddlers wrapped around you and babies attached to you 24/7.

I wasn’t really a girl who craved sweets until my first pregnancy (except my grandma’s fried peach pies, and those Friday night trips to Ben & Jerry’s with my high school best friends)… but dark chocolate, and especially dark chocolate with mint, they get me.  I can’t remember what treat it was, but I had something hidden in my pantry.  I must’ve looked funny with my head buried when I got caught by one of my kiddos who surely should’ve been napping peacefully!  Anyway, I’d decided I needed a mid-day pick-me-up.

I just remember clearly that whichever kiddo found me with my pick-me-up shamelessly asked, “what’re you doing in there?!”

I oh-so-cleverly stammered, probably while swallowing some really good chocolate that should’ve been enjoyed slowly… “NOTHING!”  To which my cherub replied, “then why does your breath smell just like chocolate?!”

And thus began my years of teaching my children the importance of good chocolate in a balanced diet… and pretty much ended my days of enjoying it in solitude.  😉

With this recipe, though, there’s no need to hide.

These keto matcha mint bars are full of healthy fats and decidedly lacking in bad-for-you stuff.  So share or hide them, but do enjoy them.  (Unless you’re my daughter-in-law-to-be, whom I love greatly, but who hasn’t quite discovered a taste for avocado-infused sweet treats.  I forgive you – because I won’t have to share.)

Keto Matcha Mint Bars

Slightly sweet, bright and cooling, these Paleo fat bombs are a delicious low-carb treat.

Author: Angela Sackett | Everyday Welcome
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon stevia powder
  • Filling:
1 cup coconut butter, softened
2 small ripe avocados
3 tablespoons stevia powder
1 tablespoon green tea powder (matcha)
1 teaspoon peppermint extract
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Topping:
3 tablespoons coconut oil, warmed
3 tablespoons cocoa powder1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
6 drops liquid stevia
  1. Line an 8×8-inch baking pan with parchment paper.
  2. Mix almond flour, butter, cocoa powder, and stevia powder together.
  3. Press mixture into the lined pan to form a crust.
  4. Freeze for 15 minutes while making the filling.
  5. Combine coconut butter, avocados, stevia powder, matcha, peppermint extract, and vanilla extract in a bowl.
  6. Blend using an electric mixer until combined.
  7. Pour and spread filling onto the crust and freeze.
  8. Mix coconut oil, cocoa powder, peppermint extract, and liquid stevia thoroughly.
  9. Spread topping over the chilled bars and refrigerate for 30 minutes or up to overnight.

Find the original recipe I created over at Allrecipes, where you can search for other keto treats, as well!

What’s your favorite indulgence that’s actually good for you?

Inspiring (chocolate-y, keto-friendly) welcome,


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