Strawberry Almond Paleo Popsicles

Summer means beach days and “fun books,” hanging with friends and on the Jersey shore, it means lots of traffic, so it also means making time to relax after traveling through the crowds.  And for us, summer means popsicles.  We try to have a batch in the freezer at all times, and these strawberry almond Paleo popsicles are the perfect refreshing snack for adults and kids (keep them simple for kiddos by saving the dark chocolate for yourself if you like).

dairy-free strawberry paleo popsicles

We’re trying to channel our parents with the “in or out, but stop opening the door!” chant this summer… and one way we entice them to stay in the heat a little longer with their friends is to have treats on hand.  (Our littlest always has a popcorn machine on hand in the garage and he’s been known to whip up a bowl for the neighbor boys and then join them in a garage game of Life or Uno…)  There’s nothing wrong with buying the cheap mass quantities of pops, but these homemade paleo popsicles give kiddos a healthy dose of vitamins and brain-happy fats… plus they’re fun to make!  

strawberry paleo popsicles

Strawberry Almond Popsicles
Thanks to the coconut oil, these pops have a boost of healthy fats, no refined sugar, and a creamy texture. While the chocolate and almond drizzle is optional, it takes these frozen delights straight to grown-up-cool status and adds a perfect crunchy contrast.
Author: Angela at Everyday Welcome
  • 3 cups frozen strawberries
  • ¼ cup raw honey
  • ¼ cup almond milk
  • cup almond milk yogurt plain and unsweetened
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons almond extract
  • ¼ cup dark chocolate chips optional
  • ¼ cup slivered almonds optional
  1. Combine strawberries, honey, almond milk, yogurt, coconut oil and and almond extract in a high-speed blender.
  2. Blend for 30 seconds to one minute, until thoroughly combined.
  3. Pour mixture into six popsicle molds and add sticks; freeze overnight.
  4. If desired, melt chocolate chips and drizzle quickly over unmolded popsicles, sprinkle with almonds, and return to freezer until ready to serve.

paleo popsicles strawberry chocolate

What’s your favorite kid-friendly summer treat?

Savoring the summer days,



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