Word and Table and The Woman I Want to Be with Kimberly Campbell

Do you ever think about who you want to be when you’re 75?

How will you become that person? In this episode of Everyday Welcome Podcast, Kimberly Campbell of Kimberly Campbell Home. We talk about a really cool tradition called Word and Table, and about how we’ll become the women God has called us to be… at any age!


Here are some highlights from this episode:

Slowing down to create something, to learn something new, even if it’s imperfect, can be a blessing from God.

Pausing to create something can be an act of worship. The process of creating matters more than the result!Click To Tweet

“When food is such a way to connect with people and it doesn’t work for whatever reason, it can be really damaging. So pausing to create a memory… may be as simple as making sausage gravy and biscuits.”

Sometimes the process matters more than the results.

I related to Kim’s journey of buttermilk biscuit making and memory-making with her kids.  I have childhood memories of a stressed-out grandma and I think not sharing the work of food-making stole some of her joy at sharing it. I’m more determined to slow down and enjoy the journey!

A cool practice I learned toward helping me become who I want to be as a woman of God was Kim’s Morning Gratitude. She uses her Instagram stories as a sort of moveable gratitude journal. She shares a picture of something she’s seeing, with five things she’s thankful for. It helps her pause and mark what God is doing in her life from a place of thankfulness!



The way social media affects different generations differently.  What if I let it drive me to live my today to honor God, and to honor the woman He’s making me to become?


A question to ask: what do I want to look like at 75 and how can I get there from now? If I want to be flourishing at 75, what does it look like to flourish now?

Let's set a pattern of pressing pause to create and become the woman we want to be.

Scripture to meditate on:

The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the Lord is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.  – Psalm 92:12-15

When I’m deciding how to spend my hours and days, my priorities from God come first. Everything else can wait!

From Kimberly:

“I don’t need to (just) learn how to be a better woman my age… I need to learn from women older and younger than me! Surround yourself with people who are older than you.”Click To Tweet


Kim has a beautiful ongoing practice called “Word and Table.” Once a month, she sends an open invite to women to come to her home for a scripture, devotional, prayer and a shared meal. Sometimes she asks another woman to share. Different churches, different generations. What if we each took the dare to open our homes once a month and invite ladies of different seasons and different churches/backgrounds to our homes for Word and Table time?

Let’s set a pattern of pressing pause to create and become the woman we want to be.



Find Kimberly online:

Kimberly Campbell Home on Instagram




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